TrackWizz CKYC legal entity solution launched
Central KYC registry(CKYCR) by CERSAI under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) was launched for individual customers in 2016 which currently is 30 crore plus KYC record repository.
Recent notification says Legal entity records submission to the registry will go live from 1st April 2021, as published by
TrackWizz CKYC Solution is ready to help.
TrackWizz CKYC legal entity (LE) solution has been rolled out on 15th Feb 21, a tool to help you to do your submission (upload and download) and meet the full scope of CKYC requirements.
As a market leader (largest market share) in CKYC software, we believe in not just meeting regulatory deadlines but beating them.
We are excited to help you comply regulatory compliance, please fill the form and we will reach out to you. For more insights visit our website.
It is mandatory for all reporting entities under regulator RBI / IRDA / SEBI including below.
- Banks
- Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC)/ Housing Finance Company (HFC) Stockbroker/ Commodity Broker/Investment Advisor/Depository Participant (DP)/ AMC
- Portfolio Manager
- Life Insurance Company & General Insurance Company