Key facts

Best code of conduct tool/ insider trading software in India

Trusted by the largest stock exchange of India

Code of ethics tool for listed companies and SEBI regulated entities

5+ segments

We serve listed companies, exchanges, banks, insurers, wealth managers...

TrackWizz Employee Trade Tracking is a fully automated solution specially designed for:

  • Listed Companies
  • Banks
  • Exchanges
  • Asset and Wealth Management firm
  • Insurance Company
  • Brokerage Houses

TrackWizz Employee Trade Tracking is a fully automated comprehensive solution to help Financial institutions follow SEBI Prohibition of Insider Trading regulations in full spirit by taking employee’s disclosures, automated trade approvals, maintenance of restricted list, violation tracking with help of exhaustive MIS reports. Additionally, the solution is capable of handling resignations, external verification and seamless integrations reducing time to market. The UPSI repository in the solution helps maintain a structured digital database for tracking and monitoring the UPSI flow.

Here goes the solution...

TrackWizz's pre-clearance engine encompasses employee pre-clearance, auto approvals, greylist management, employees' initial and periodic disclosures etc.

Functional overview/key components

Functional overview of employee's initial declaration, trade approvals, annual disclosures, violation monitoring and reporting.

Features and benefits


Fully automated trade approvals of employees, saves valuable time and eliminates opportunity loss

Your policy

Allows different policy enforcement for different departments, not burdening all with one approach

No fill only verify

Periodic submissions are pre- filled by system, employees to verify and submit, resulting in high adoption

Exception manager

Allows automated raising of exceptions, warning/action emails and recording response

BenPos Reconciliation

Highlighting mismatch of employee’s holding against BenPos Data


Integrates with Research Analyst Compliance module leveraging existing infrastructure

Features and benefits


Integration capability

Multi-source greylist

Resignation handled

New joinee seamless approach

Reconciliation manager

Email Approval


Ready-to-use automated and bulk upload integrations. Reduces time to market

Special multiple greylist handling for restrictions, investment banking transactions, fund investments etc.

Provision to make relieving submissions. Eases burden of compliance team

Welcome mailers, auto reminders, training videos/manuals etc. to new joinees for initial disclosures/declarations

Extensive coverage of holding, annual submissions, corporate actions bringing accuracy with confidence

Allows compliance teams to do trade approvals on email resulting in less turn around time

Our other solutions

If you are offering research services to your customers, you may want to check our TrackWizz Research Analyst Compliance

You may also choose TrackWizz Transaction Monitoring for tracking insider information misuse by customers

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