CA/CS/CWA now Reporting Entities of PMLA

केंद्रीय सरकार, धन-िोधन जनिारण अजधजनयम, 2002 (2003 का 15) की धारा 2 की उपधारा (1) के खंड (धक) के उपखंड (iv) द्वारा प्रदत् त िजत तयक का प्रयोग करते एए, अपने व्यिसाय के अनुक्रम में दकसी सुसंगत व् यजत त द्वारा अपने मुिद ल की र से जित् तीय संव् यिाारक के संंंध में जन्‍ […]

SEBI Circular – Procedure of implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems-Directions for Stock Exchanges & Registered Entities

The Government of India, Ministry of Finance has issued an order dated January 30, 2023 vide F. No. P- 2011/14/2022-ES Cell-DOR (“the Order”) detailing the procedure for implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005 (“WMD Act”).

IRDA Circular- WMD ACT and Appointment of Nodal Officers for the same, Change of Nodal Officers for Implementation of section 51A of Unlawful Activities Act 1967

Procedure for Implementation of Section 12A of ‘The Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005(WMD Act) ii) Appointment of nodal officer for Implementation of Section 12A of WMD Act iii) Change of nodal officer for implementation of Section 51A of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA)